21 March, 2014


Friends bind people in a bond of love, mutual trust, understanding and loyalty.
Friendship is a relationship which involves mutual self respect, trust, loyalty and affection. Good friends enjoy each others company, share the same interests and are loyal to each other.
A friend is some one, who stands by our, even during difficult times. It requires honesty and mutual understanding and has to be nurtured with devotion and patience.
Just as it takes patience grow a garden, in friendship, too, first a seed is planted and then it has to be taken care of, nourished and watered, daily. One has to tend it with love and care.
Friendship is Man’s emotional and psychological necessity. You can share your feelings, frustrations and happiness with your friend. You can also depend upon your friend for keeping your trust.
A true friend never lets up down even under most threatening circumstances. He/she will never jet ray you even under pressure.

The importance of friendship cannot be undermined because we cannot survive without good friends. It is a very important relationship in the emotional life of every human being. A friend, who supports him only when it is convenient, is called a “Fair-weather-Friend”.
The one, who supports his friends, through emotional difficulties, is a “True Friend”. He is ready to make sacrifices in order to help his friend. A true friend is some one, whom you know will be there for you, whenever you need him.
Friendship is a necessary part of every human’s life as none of us is self sufficient. A friend is a trust-worthy companion who cherishes special moments and memories of life with another person.
A good friend plays an active part in his friend’s life. He is happy when his friend is happy. He feels achieved with his friend’s accomplishments. They share affection, which fills them with positive energy, they spend time thinking of their friends, of who is important for them and how to find ways to help them.
Friendship requires devoting time and patience. There can be disagreements and quarrels also, which is natural, but one must have till patience to deal with such frustrations. Being reasonable, a forgiving nature! Willingness to compromise when one can and persistence to rebuild friends are needed for a true and lasting relationship.
True friendship cannot flourish! Without a give and take attitude the more the efforts put into it, the morel will lead towards everlasting happiness and trust. Friendship also helps in molding the kind of person you are.
Never rush to make friends because friendship needs a good foundation. We must accept our friend as he is. The essence of friendship is sincerity and giving one’s self to your friend without thinking of getting anything in return. At times, when we meet new and interesting people,! Our loyalty changes and old friends are forgotten. A lesson to be learnt, “Do not forget old friends while making new ones.”
I believe that friendship is one of the most important things in our life. I believe that no matter who you may be everyone needs a good friend to count on; nobody should go through life no friends. You should be able to have that someone you can tell everything to and no matter what you both are there for each other. Nobody is perfect and people should be willing to accept you for who you are. To me friendship is really important and I do not take advantage of it one second! I have worked hard for my close friends that I do have now and never plan on losing them.

I know that I can have one good friend that I can go through life with. Personal I think friendship is that most important thing to me. I can tell my friends ever secret I have. Friendship is a fine gift out of the many that life can bring. Friendship can be a commitment. I have more then one or two real, true friends, with that I feel blessed. A real friend will listen and offer advice during hard times. I believe nothing can replace a true friend, not money, cars, problems, and definitely not boys. I know that my friends support me in basically every decision I make.

“The greatest gift you can give someone is your time. Because when you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life you can never get back.”

02 October, 2013

What Friendship means to you?

Often we assume friend is someone who most often spend time with us.
Not so for me .

I have a friend who stay and I are separated by an ocean . But his heart remains close to my heart . Every day , every hour , every time .
Often we think friend is someone who always spend with our laughter .
Not so for me .

Mutual friends sometimes criticize and beyond uncomfortable situation , there is something to what they do not like, but all that they discuss and resolve ... and discomfort turned into comfort that lasts much longer and not just temporarily.
Often we assume friend is someone who spoke the words its support for each of us we will do everything .
Not so for me .

A friend is not always support us in every moment , without her express with verbal support , we already know that he's definitely always there to support and defend us . and that he will always have a difficult time in our day - where we really need support .

A companion we care about our day we are concerned , we laugh we invite our moment of sadness, we accept our moment of one , and love us , even in us not being ourselves .

A friend is like a shadow behind our footsteps, who always follow the direction we go .
With us, gripping our hearts together in love .

A friend will always smiling , how bad , how childish attitude.
And it's ready leads us to the point where we are even ready to learn to be a better person .

A friend of a friend is not demanding and does not change .
The strength of a friendship lies in the acceptance of big differences from different people .
The real difference can be a problem if we want it to be a problem.
According to a friend I love the rainbow colors are not as bright and colorful , but warm , timeless , and will always come up as the sun rises and sets.

Not always be in front of our eyes, but we all need it .. every second .. to at any time .
It 'll never stop coming .

Love a forever friend in every day , every night , and when it comes in the morning .
Love of a true friend .. is an eternal love .

From Failure to Hikmah

We've all felt that his name failure , which we certainly would feel very disappointed and down . Failure could be anything , which in essence we interpret failure as a trial . God give us the trials actually make what the heck ? Because God is love right at us , because God wants to raise the level of our faith .

We can all make the framework of Failure ( F ) to Hikmah ( H )

F or the failure to form a variety of . We'll see examples that exist in our lives . F in such a low level while working on restating failed , rejected girl , up to F in such a high level that occurs in the world of the artist kasus2 divorce , loss of a spouse , parent , not graduating from college , etc. . When fail of course we will feel a lot of things , sad , disappointed , anxious , scared , shy , backward , and depressed .

To be learned from F after a failure is P ( acceptance ) , P ( process ) , and P ( learning ) .

The first P of acceptance is when we are experiencing failure is accepting failure , that failure we have ever experienced . The meaning of the move on the wound which in this case is the failure of the wound , which means not to forget but move on to move on to the wound or failure to accept that it was, and we try to cure him .

The second P is the process which means that failure is a process that shape us , mold us into a better person despite the pain process . Where the failure process is true should we enjoy , enjoy the pain in the form of a gift from God that it was not good .

The third P is learning . Of failure , we become people who want to learn , learn to be better , to learn from others that we are lacking , learned that life is never flat .

Failure is actually one of the secrets of God which means that the receiving of any failure , disaster , God is no secret that play a role in it . Why did God give us failures ? Because God care about us , failure to make us more powerful , which means in terms of more wah great , but great in terms of quality , so that we are more able to jump farther , be more mentally stronger , more humble when we are under , more amenable to a little happiness in other words we can be grateful that we've been under the previous point , so the slightest favors will make us feel very happy .

The latter is H ( wisdom ) in which failures to save a lot of wisdom . Lessons from failure is the most simple that we can have the experience . People who have had experience in failure he would be stronger mentally than people who never fail are usually have more mental shriveled . We can be better capable of failure because we can improve our quality , why are we once failed . We can learn to examine shortcomings that make us fail .

Failure also makes us more courageous , brave face of life , that life is full of challenges and fail is a risk. High risk, high return . Where the greater things we stand for , of the greater risk we must take .

The third is the failure to make us more aware of ourselves , that we have a shortage , self-conscious that life not smooth , and self-aware of the limitations of our ability .

The fourth is also that we often hear as a delayed success . Why ? We'll see yourself on the story of an inventor Thomas Alva Edison light bulb that successfully invented the light bulb after the experiment to 99 times . If we remember one quote which reads many failures of life when he will get to the success which means a lot of life fail because little longer to success .

Failure is also making us more accepting of ourselves , that we should love ourselves , so that we can be accepted in the environment . Than we love ourselves , we give high value in us , then we will be able to more easily through life .

01 October, 2013

Inspiration, Motivation And Getting rid Pressure

Whether you are a working, studying or doing nothing at home , you are still human being and not run away from problems and stress .

We always need inspiration, motivation and activities that can relieve stress and problems we face .

Like at work , there are always challenges and distractions . There are people who help you and maybe some people are not one head and often pose a problem to you .

Any place there must be a political work , stress , workload or whatever you need to carry .

There is a way to be more productive how inspired themselves and relieve stress in the workplace and in life .

Read more books

Reading is a habit that can inspire and motivate . I love to read regardless of the form of books , newspapers or the internet.

By reading it can inspire us and change the way we think . The information we get is expanding.

As a blogger , you can also get inspiration from reading. I can say reading is inspiring a deep impression .

In conclusion ... read can make us more open mind .

Write a Blog Or Book

Reading can be very valuable , but writing requires more thought , and therefore it may be more valuable .

Write about something you are passionate about. Examples of writing about how to solve the problem , articles on business , partnerships and so on .

Lots of topics that you can write . By writing can also sharpen our brains .

There are studies indicate read and write memory can make a person stronger and not forgetful . It is the activity that is very positive .

The more you write , the more evolved brain , and little by little we will be a good writer .


When too much pressure , and thus can lead to brain and body fatigue . This can invite disease high or low blood pressure .

Organ in our body to be going well . An easy way to reduce stress is to exercise.

Take your time to do some light exercise such as walking or running .

There are two advantages of this exercise ...

First , it is healthy for your body .
Second , it forces you to stop thinking for a moment about interference or pressures you face .
With exercise also burns calories and launched a mind to build new ideas and inspiration .

Do some good things

As a human , you can make plenty of charity and kindness to help people . Even with a small amount and no matter anywhere.

I'm sure you've all seen people begging in the restaurant or food store .

Sometimes not the two that come begging . Many who thought they were taking advantage or syndicates .

I disagree slightly . Do not think about what their goal begging . If your faith in charity, with a sincere heart let no doubts .

Whatever their purpose, not our right to punish , mengata good or not .

Practice is a noble charity . God willing, we will be more cheap living longer and our souls will be more calm and clean .

Amazing is with much charity we will not be a selfish and we will feel very satisfied and grateful with what we have.

Read the words which provides inspiration 

Sometimes you may not have time to read a book or write .

Another way you can read the inspiring words of a great leader , your favorite authors or those who have been successful .

Now increasingly sophisticated information technology . Just search Google , you can easily find that quote inspired but not just read it, you dissect every word of inspiration .

Listening to Music and Watching

Music is a way to calm the mind and soul . There is a release of stress by listening to music loud and hard , some like slow form .

The watch also can be inspiring , uplifting and forget for a moment the problem or pressures you face and improve our mood .

And ... Do not forget , always pray to Him .

The conclusion

I have a lot of practice ways on when I feel depressed and have problems.

As a result some give Inspiration , Motivation And Eliminate Stress . It is able to invigorate me and be able to forget for a moment my problem .

Other people do . Do it at your convenience . Maybe what I share useful to you all .

How to Solve Problems?

That's what we will discuss in this article . Problem should be kept constantly present in the days of our lives . Cause problems and life are two things that can not be separated .

My teacher had once said , " It is not an expense that makes our lives difficult , but how to carry the burden of the one who made ​​life so difficult . "

For those who are watching Golden Ways must have often heard the phrase that had been pitched as I write .

So , how do I solve a problem ? Is it true that the problem was so complicated ? Or is it the solution can be found in the next 5 minutes ?

Why Such Problems Come On You?

Why must you always affected by the problem ? Why not someone else? To solve a problem , we must first know why the hell we have got this problem ?

Understand that most of the problems that originally came in the form of a minor . But until we let it , the problem has grown into a major problem . Like all cancers , a small problem can propagate and grow into late stage .

Do we deserve the problem ? Take a simple example , the accident - A . Apparent accident is a problem . But if the A - deserve such problems ? Perhaps the - A speeding on the road , driving his hesitation , do not obey traffic rules , if it does happen then clearly - A deserves an accident .

In short , the problem can be prevented . No matter how, but we can prevent a bigger problem .

Ask the right people.

If you do not know ask . An old proverb says , embarrassed to ask astray on the road . Therefore if you already do not know , ask . Ask the solutions of your problems , ask the right people .

Realize that God is All - Good, sometimes answers or solutions to the problems we are only a few inch from where we are today.

No matter how complicated your problem , God has never broken a promise . Always remember , God does not give problems beyond the limits of his servant . Point .

Hope you can solve your problem immediately .

Let stand a chance either . Agree ?